
The StartMeUp module within an existing application - Bank Pomysłów BZW BK.


We help to support innovations therefore together with our client - Bank Zachodni WBK – we create a possibility to establish cooperation between between startups (Polish and foreign) and BZW BK. The effect of these actions was to create a StartMeUp module within the frames of the application which already exists, namely the Bank of Ideas.


Our client needed an easy way for startups to contact the Bank and inform them about their business. Since BZ WBK is very keen on supporting innovative solutions, the Bank Pomysłów, where BZ WBK customers present their ideas and needs, turned out to be the perfect place.

The StartMeUp graphic design was prepared by an interactive agency working with the client.



  • The StartMeUp module functions within the Bank Pomysłów, using mechanisms already designed there, such as user registration, but at the same time it is a separate entity - specifically dedicated to startups.
  • A mechanism has been developed specifically for startups to organise the challenges they can report and propose solutions. Each startup that wants to cooperate with BZ WBK takes part in a short survey. Through it, the Bank collects the most important information about a given startup, and then aggregates it in the module's admin panel. A key issue for the client was the ability to filter and manage information about startups.
  • Since the startup market in Poland is just developing, it was very important to prepare an English language version for the StartMeUp module. One of the client's requirements was to prepare a translation mechanism that would only handle the new section. With the use of Globalize Globalize gem, the whole Idea Bank can be enriched at any time with a new language version.

The final effect

StartMeUp was launched after six weeks of implementation and remote collaboration with the customer. Its premiere took place during one of the Wolves Summit (October 2016).