Start your startup with Business Poker

1 startup

We're not big fans of brainstorming per se, but... Business Poker is a completely different experience. Thanks to these cards, we were able to stimulate our brains and exchange ideas and reflections in an orderly way during a two-hour workshop session. We worked on the direction to take for specializing eEngine towards an eCommerce Software House.

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Business Poker is a set of 110 cards divided into 9 business areas. During the workshop, which involves 3 to 6 people, teams can work on refining the vision of the company or product they want to develop. Business Poker is a great tool that, among other things:

  • allows you to look at the business from a different perspective (the cards shed new light);
  • helps to find new sources of revenue;
  • indicates (indirectly) where we're losing money in our business.

See previous episodes

Our (uninterrupted) vlog series continues. See previous episodes, which are:

There are still many episodes and topics ahead of us that we will cover in our vlogs, so subscribe to the channel to stay up to date with the latest premieres.